
  • 3 Ways To Get Kids to Think Critically

    Kids who are highly able often get swallowed up in their general education classrooms. Teachers are tasked with reaching students who can barely read, students who don’t like to read, and students who only want to read, and they are expected to meet the needs of everyone on an individual basis. To say this task…

  • 4 Reasons to write a 5 paragraph essay with 5th graders

    4 Reasons to write a 5 paragraph essay with 5th graders

    I have been a public educator in a rural title one elementary school for nearly 20 years and while I can only really speak about this one school district, I think it is safe to say that writing instruction is often pushed aside for more time in math and reading. In my pull-out gifted and…

  • Reasons God lets evil into the world…

    Reasons God lets evil into the world…

    I would love to spend just 3 minutes swimming around in my Big Kid’s brain. I think it is an ocean full of ideas and wonders and prospects that are all just floating around among each other. At any time, one idea or thought might just pop to the surface. Usually, it seems, that the…